Strategies For Managing Type 2 Diabetes


Type 2 diabetics need to keep track of their blood sugar levels as well as take medications and train regularly. It can be difficult to deal with the condition and especially when you don't have the support of your healthcare team, or friends and family.

UR Medicine endocrinologist Laticia Valle provides these suggestions to help you manage your diabetes.

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

Patients with diabetes should consume an dietary plan that is low in sugar, salt, and trans fat. Also, they should eat food which are high in fiber like vegetables, fruits Whole grains, and low fat dairy.

People with diabetes must choose fats and oils that are good for heart health like olive oil or canola oil, as well as vegetable cooking spray. They should also choose fats with a low cholesterol content, such as those containing either sterols or stanols.

You can try using a 9-inch tray and put nonstarchy vegetables on half of the plate, protein on the other four-quarters, and starches on the other one-fourth. Carbohydrates can be found in pasta, rice, bread, cereal, potatoes and various sugary and fruit drinks.

2. Exercise Regularly

The importance of exercise is in the process of managing diabetes, as it improves the body's ability to make use of glucose for energy. Take care not to do too much exercise as elevated blood sugar levels could be problematic.

Fitness is crucial for those with diabetes type 2. Choose low to moderate intensity exercises, like walking, swimming, biking or tai-chi.

Yoga, weight lifting as well as calisthenics can be great for improving balance and strength. Speak to your doctor about any fitness program you are considering. For specifics info about type 2 diabetes, look at website.

3. Be aware of your blood sugar levels

The most important part of controlling diabetes is the monitoring of blood glucose levels. It's especially beneficial to measure your glucose levels before you rise, before meals and before you go to sleep.

You will be advised by your physician about the best glucose level. Try to keep your blood glucose levels within this level.

You can test your glucose by using a special instrument called a meter. It will require you to poke your finger using an endoscope and draw one drop of blood on a testing strip. Keep track of the results, and take them with you for any appointments with a doctor. The information can help your doctor modify your diet and medication.

4. Make sure you follow the directions in your prescription

Correctly taking your medication can ensure that you are within the healthy blood glucose level. If you fail to follow the instructions on your prescription, you could put your health at risk.

A majority of patients with type 2 diabetes will need medications to control the blood sugar level. Other medications reduce blood sugar by decreasing the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine.

The majority of people fail to use their medication properly. Common reasons include inattention, confusion about guidelines, or worries about side effects or costs. Make a note of all the medicines you take, including OTC medications and supplements and speak to your doctor.

5. Prepare yourself for the possibility of illness

Make sure you are prepared in case of illness as it can lead to lower blood sugar levels. Make sure you stock up on snacks and medicines that can help reduce blood sugar levels. Also, keep your doctor's appointment to get a flu shot as well as treat minor illnesses like diarrhea or colds.

It's also recommended to visit your healthcare team every 3 months for tests to determine HbA1c, oral or injectable diabetes medications and additional tests, like screening for high blood pressure or cholesterol. Managing your diabetes can be difficult, but it's possible to accomplish it. It's well worth it to invest in your well-being! -S.H.

6. Stay Stress-Free

Whether you have diabetes or not, anxiety may increase your blood sugar. It can also distract people from sticking to their regular type 2 diabetes management routine, like taking your exercise routine seriously, eating a healthy diet, and taking your medications.

Exercise, meditation, and rest are ways you can reduce stress. Also, you should get plenty of sleep to keep your blood glucose in check.

If you need help, try an diabetes support group or even a professional in mental health If you're having difficulty controlling stress. Connecting with other people who are experiencing similar issues can be extremely beneficial. You can feel empowered by having the support you require.

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